Sponsors & Partners
Solstice Nurseries receives support from many people and organisations – financial, materials, volunteers. If we have omitted anyone, we apologise profusely. Tell us and we will make sure you are included from now on. We welcome donations and offers of volunteer effort (link to volunteer page) at any time. You can also donate directly using paypal below.
In we would like particularly to thank our continuing Sponsors, Partners and Supporters namely:
North-East of Scotland College (Bruce Gilliland)
Banchory & Leggart Estates
Chap Quarries (Aberdeen) Ltd
CMS Cameron McKenna LLP
Grampian Highland Resources LTD (ghrl)
Ian Nicol
Carol’s Cleaners
Mike Bibby
Social Firms UK
Social Firms Scotland (Janice Nicoll)
Past supporters include:
NHS Grampian
Wood Group
Taqa Energy
Red Evolution Ltd
And the many individuals who have given their time to support us